Categories & Pricing

Song Categories

Competition Pricing

ASA Member Entry Fee
$28 per entry

Non Member Entry Fee
$38 per entry

ASA Member Song Critique
Music & Lyrics $33 | Lyrics Only $22

Non Member Song Critique
Music & Lyrics $44 | Lyrics Only $33

Category Definitions

songs of any genre which mention Australia or songs that have a distinctly Australian edge

mostly more upbeat songs which are either radio friendly or suitable for dance clubs, including vocal electronic and rap

Instrumental/World Music
instrumental pieces (ie with no lyrics) of any genre, or anything with a customary World Music feel, but also including songs that use foreign language

any genre at all, including anything that is not captured in the other categories (such as blues and jazz but not limited to them)

any genre of song but it has to have all writers and co-writers under the age of 18 years old